
Tall, Elegant and Deadly: The Fascinating Life of the Secretary Bird

The secretary bird is a large bird of prey native to Africa.

[Photo Credit: Pexels]


The secretary bird (Sagittarius Serpentarius) is a large, mostly terrestrial, bird of prey native to Africa. Known for its distinctive appearance, it has long legs and a crest of feathers on its head, resembling a secretary with quill pens tucked behind the ear.

The majestic bird stands around 1.3 to 1.5 meters tall, making it one of the tallest birds of prey. The body is predominantly gray with black flight feathers on the wings and a red orange patch on the face.

Habitually, the bird is found in open grasslands and savannas, preferring areas with low vegetation where they can spot prey easily. They are naturally carnivorous, with a diet primarily consisting of small mammals, reptiles, and large insects. They are known for their ability to hunt and kill venomous snakes, using their strong legs to stomp on them.

Secretary birds are terrestrial and spend most of their time on the ground, walking long distances in search of food. They are skilled hunters and can cover large areas is search of prey. They are capable of flight, but tend to fly only when necessary, relying more on their strong legs for mobility.

Typically, they form monogamous pairs and build large nests in acacia trees, which contains a clutch of 2 to 3 eggs. Both parents contribute to incubation and caring for the chicks. Breeding can take place any time of the year, but tends to be late in the dry season.

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