
How to Make Nigerian Puff Puff

Learn quick and easy way to achieve a delicious and fluffy puff puff

Puff puff is a deep-fried yeast dough. It is a common street snack among Africans, but called different names and made slightly different.






Lukewarm water


Enough oil for deep frying


First, mix your dry ingredients flour, sugar, pinch of salt, nutmeg and yeast. Pour in the warm water and mix thoroughly, until batter is lump free.  Ensure you do not pour too much water, you still want to leave the batter thick. Cover the dough and allow to rise for one hour.

Preheat the oil in a deep pan. When hot, start to scoop little bits of dough into the pan, in a way that it forms balls. Keep turning and fry until golden brown. Remove from heat and drain, enjoy while still hot or warm. You can serve with a chilled drink.

NOTE: if you are using active yeast, you will need to proof before using. To proof your yeast, mix a cup of lukewarm water, a little bit of sugar and yeast in a bowl. Cover it up and set aside until yeast becomes bubbly.

Also, if your oil is too hot, your dough will burn before it fries through.

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