Many people love cooking, but do not know how to do it faster. Preparing your meals at home can be healthy and help you save a lot, but people avoid it because of the time and effort used. Below, you will find quick steps to make your cooking easier and faster.
Have A Meal Plan: Cooking can be very tedious, especially when you do not know what to cook. Having a plan of what you want to cook can make it easier on you. Consider having a week-long or month-long plan. Having a meal plan, also helps you spend less time on shopping.
Mise En Place: Meaning putting things in their place. Before you start cooking, consider prepping ingredients and utensils and laying them out. This ensures you are not frantically searching for one thing or the other, thereby saving you time.
Sharpen Your Knives: Cutting with a dull knife makes you cut things slower, whereas using a sharp knife not only makes you work faster, but also gives you precise cuts. This way, your food cooks faster.
Use a Thermometer: When using the oven or grill, it is possible to overcook. Keep your thermometer close to ensure you are not spending too much time grilling, which may lead to dry food.
Clean as you go: Save yourself time by cleaning utensils as you use them. Multitasking will helps you keep your mind of the cooking time and before you know it, your meal is ready.
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