
Effective DIY Solutions to Get Rid of Cockroaches Naturally

[Photo Credit: Pexels]


Cockroaches in your home is not an abnormal occurrence. However, they could become a nuisance and this makes it essential to get rid of them. This article will help you with multiple DIY solutions to help you get rid of a cockroach infestation naturally.

Baking Soda and Sugar: To use this, mix equal parts baking soda and sugar then sprinkle the mixture in areas where you have sighted cockroaches in your home. You can also sprinkle the mixture in hidden places, behind appliances and under your kitchen sink. The sugar in the mixture attracts the cockroaches, and when they eat the mixture, the baking soda reacts with their stomach acids, causing them to die.

Essential Oils: Essential oils such as peppermint, and lavender act as natural repellents because cockroaches dislike strong smells. You may use one essential oil or mix several together with saltwater and a little dish soap in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture around your home to get rid of cockroaches.

Vinegar and Water: In your spray bottle, mix water and vinegar together, shake the mixture thoroughly and clean surfaces with the mixture. Although vinegar does not outrightly kill cockroaches, it helps clean up surfaces and discourages roaches by disrupting their scent trails.

Bay Leaves: Crush several bay leaves into a powder, scatter the bay leaves in cupboards drawers and under sinks. Cockroaches dislike the smell of bay leaves and will avoid areas where they are placed.

Cucumber Peels: Place fresh cucumber peels around areas where you have noticed cockroaches. Fresh cucumber peels can act as a mild repellant due to their smell. For best result, replace the peels as often as you can.

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