
Three Ways to Keep Your Pet Happy and Healthy


Proper Nutrition: Ensure your pets have the proper amount of nutrition needed according to their breed. The right amount of feeding helps them to maintain a healthy weight, which in turn extends life span and prevents obesity. Check with your veterinarian if you do not know the right amount of food or treats to give to your pet. Also, keep them hydrated and make sure the water is clean and fresh.

Exercise: Your pet must be physically fit and healthy. Take them on walks, swimming, introduce games. Provide them with toys that keeps them active and engaged. Take them to new places that will expose them to new scenery and smells.

Affection: Be affectionate towards your pet, establishing a strong bond between you and pet is good for both of you. It helps strengthen the emotional connection between you both and helps your pet socialize better.


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Written by Monsurat


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