
Malik Afegbua’s Wakanda Inspired Fashion

Malik Afegbua in his usual knack for giving back to back masterpieces has wowed us yet again with his Wakanda Inspired fashion for the oldies.

“Whether it means producing a piece of art, writing a short story, or simply bringing beauty into our home or into the lives of others, consider for a moment that we each have the capacity to be creative. The masterpiece, then, is not something we create to hang on our wall but something in ourselves as we fulfill our God-given potential, utilizing the talents He gave us.”

This quote by Mary Potter Kenyon, is what keeps ringing in our minds every time Mr. Afegbua gives his ‘slick’ creations. Talk of utilizing one’s God-given potential and creating with the heart.

Speaking on the pictures, he wrote “The people of the ‘Ngochola’ civilization lived around 250,000 years ago in Alkebulan (Africa). They lived in a technologically advanced civilization and had the knowledge to communicate with other civilizations. It is believed that the people lived peacefully in their nation for more than 1,000 years before a natural disaster wiped them out along with all their inventions and knowledge.”

Keep creating @slickcityceo we yearn to celebrate more of your creativity.


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