Ofada stew is mostly eaten with Ofada rice (unpolished rice), but you can also enjoy it with normal white rice or Basamati. Now, Ayamase stew is mostly cooked with bleached palm oil, but I prefer to use groundnut oil. This is because the nutrients reduce when palm oil is bleached, making it less healthy. Also, I do not like the smoke that comes with it, and bleached palm oil can be dangerous too. So, for those that do not like the smoke or might be affected by the smoke, I recommend groundnut oil.
NOTE: if you prefer bleached palm oil, it is still the same process as this. Just put a good amount of palm oil in your pot, let it heat till it becomes transparent and no longer red.
Green Ata Rodo (unripe scotch bonnet/habanero pepper)
Locust beans
Groundnut oil/ bleached palm oil
Boiled eggs
Assorted meat (Tripe, cow skin (pomo), beef, and so on)
Smoked fish
Salt and Maggi to taste
Boil your well-seasoned assorted meat till soft. Rinse your pepper and onion, then put in a blender and blend coarsely. I use manual blender for my pepper, to avoid unnecessary water in it. *This sauce hardly needs water.
Place your pot on fire, pour in your oil, and let it heat a bit. Then pour you assorted meat and fry. Remove and set aside. Afterwards, pour in your blended pepper, then locust beans. Cover and let it cook for a few minutes. Then add your Maggi and salt to taste. After some time, you can then pour in your assorted meat and finally boiled eggs. Cook for a few more minutes.
Your Ayamase is ready to serve with your Ofada rice, white rice or Basmati.
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