

Chewa Tribe of Malawi

The Chewa people are the largest tribe in the Southeastern African country, Malawi.

[Photo Credit: Culture Trip]

The Chewa or Achewa are two large clans, the Phiri and the Banda, native to Southeastern Malawi. The Phiri are associated with the kings and aristocracy while the Banda are healers and mystics.

Culturally, Chewa is a matrilineal society, where properties are inherited through the mother. The women of Chewa have a special place in the clan as they are recognized as the reproducers of the lineage. Family in Chewa is called “Bele”, which means descended from the same breast. Sisters (Lubele la achite), make up a family of dependents, while older brothers (Nkhoswe), are the guardians and mentors of the lineage as well as their sister’s sons.

In Chewa, profits from farm produce belongs to the woman of the house. The clan or village which usually contains about 50 huts is led by a headman (Mfumu). Residents of the village are usually related by blood or marriage.

The language of the Chewa is Bantu, which is described as Chichewa in Malawi. Chichewa is the generally spoken language in Malawi for communication and education.

Traditionally, Chewa people are alleged to be the most respected in Malawi. They are believed to have the best practices of magic and have mastered the use of powers to destroy their enemies. The famous Nyau Chewa dance is described as a cult full of magic powers.

Spiritually, Chewa people believe in a god called “Chiuta”, who they believe created all things. They communicate with Chiuta through the spirits of their ancestors and living animals. They also believe that the spirit of their ancestors live on after death.

Marriage in Chewa is done in such a way that the groom reports his intention to his uncle (Nkhoswe) who then meets the bride’s uncle to discuss. The exchange of gifts and marriage deal is done between both uncles.


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