
7 Amazing Health Benefits of Guava You Can’t Ignore

[Photo Credit: Trust Basket]


Guava is a nutritious tropical fruit that offers several health benefits. They are either eaten fresh or made into beverages. Both the fruit and leaves of guava offer many health benefits. The leaves are especially used as home remedies for various conditions including diarrhea. These

Rich in Nutrients: Guava is one of the richest sources of vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy immune system and skin. It contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, aiding in digestion and maintaining a healthy digestive system. It also contains vitamins B5 and B6, Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and Manganese.

Antioxidant Properties: Guava is packed with antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Studies have shown that guava may have phenols and ascorbic acid which a source of natural antioxidants.

Supports Heart Health: The fruit’s potassium content can help regulate blood pressure, and its fiber content can lower cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that taking guava leaves can also help provide valuable benefits for the heart.

Aids in Weight Management: The high fiber and low-calorie content of guava can support weight management and control hunger. Eating guava may help you to feel full thereby aiding weight loss.

Boosts Skin Health: The vitamin C and antioxidants in guava promote healthy, glowing skin and may reduce the signs of aging.

Diabetes Management: Guava has a low glycemic index and can help regulate blood sugar levels. It ensures a nominal rise in blood glucose levels.

Supports Vision: It contains vitamin A, which is beneficial for eye health and can reduce the risk of vision-related disorders. Guava is also said to prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. The anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce swelling and irritation in the eyes.

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